Nazan Akyol, who suffered a brain hemorrhage due to an aneurysm explosion when she was 3 months pregnant, gave her son the name of Turker Kilic who performed her surgery. Prof. Dr. Kilic said that 34 of his patients named their children “Turker”. Nazan Akyol (31), a housewife, had been undergoing high blood pressure treatment since the age of 7 because of his single kidney.
One day, 4 years ago, when she was 3 months pregnant, she suddenly had a headache and nausea that was more severe than she had ever experienced. She was taken to the emergency. It was first thought to be about pregnancy. The doctors, who were worried about the baby being hurt, did not immediately have the mother have a tomography. But when the pain continued, the tomography showed that there were three aneurysms (bubbles) in the brain vessels, and one of them had already exploded. She had to operate by doctors. The baby was also taken away. The family who wandered the hospital finally decided in Professor Dr. Turker Kilic.
Two Turker One Life